Thursday, January 30 2025


1) Wood Vinegar - Is pyroligneous acid that is made from a renewable source of wood that is harvested in an environmentally friendly way. Obtained from the resinous substance of Beech tree, Sakura tree, Oak tree and special bamboo. It has a unique absorption power.

2) Negative ions - Kinotakara pads are put together in a totally negative ion environment.

3) Tourmaline - Natural mine stones from Brazil, rich in negative ions and releases Far- Infra-Red Energy (F-I-R).

4) Dextrin - Water soluble carbohydrate that can absorb water to enhance function of other ingredient

5) Glycolic Acid - Helps exfoliate older dead skin.

6) Chitosan - Commonly used to reduce fat and risk of cancer. Used externally as cosmetic and good for maintaining and moisturizing skin tissue.

7) Pearl Powder - Natural ingredient from dead volcanoes, it has an excellent anti-gravity flowing power and absorption power. It has a full compliment of essential amino acids and is high in calcium.

8) Pure Silica - Is a high quality siliceous sponge.

Wood Vinegar (30%), Dextrin (50%), Chitosan (5%), Tourmaline (4%), Pearl Powder (4%),Pure Silica (4%) and Glycolic Acid (3%).